Michigan Technological University has entered a new era of research, Vice President for Research David Reed told the University’s Board of Trustees at its meeting Friday, April 28, 2017. Michigan Tech’s research enterprise has been expanding steadily, hitting $72.5 million in research expenditures in fiscal year 2016, he reported.
What is the next step? “Everyone says we need to reach the next level as a research institution,” Reed said. He defined “the next level” as being the primary institution on an increasing number of large, multi-institutional research projects funded by a variety of sponsors and including nationally recognized research institutions, including Michigan Tech.
Within the past year, Michigan Tech has been the lead on four different projects that meet these criteria:
Environmental Protection Agency Regional Environmental Finance Center.
Department of Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E).
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Technology Research Institute.
Department of Transportation Beyond Traffic Innovation Center.
“This demonstrates that Michigan Tech is increasingly receiving external recognition as a major national and international technological research institution,” Reed said. “We are at the next level. The challenge is to sustain and accelerate this activity.”
Presidential Search Process
After regretfully accepting President Glenn Mroz’s announcement of his intention to return to the faculty in June 2018, Board Chair Terry Woychowski outlined the procedure that the University will follow to conduct a presidential search.
The Board will start the process on May 5 by soliciting nominations to serve on a Presidential Search Committee from various sectors of the University community.
The Board Chair will appoint the search committee which will be composed of four Board of Trustees members, three faculty members nominated by the University Senate, two professional staff nominated by the Senate, one academic administrator nominated by the provost, one graduate student nominated by the Graduate Student Government, one undergraduate nominated by the Undergraduate Student Government and one local ...
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