Wednesday, March 15, 2017

ASUW executives disagree with pride flag decision

News – The Branding Iron Online The flagpole in Prexy's pasture where the pride flag hung at the top at the beginning of this semester. (Photo by Morgan Roppe)
The ASUW resolution, authored by Vice President Tyler Wolfgang, to allow an LGBTQIAA + pride flag to be flown in Prexy’s pasture during the month of June has been tabled indefinitely.
The ASUW Student Outreach and Policy committee (SOP) officially tabled the bill indefinitely during last week’s ASUW meeting. The bringer of the bill, Vice President Tyler Wolfgang, said he is concerned about the move to table indefinitely.
“Table indefinitely in ASUW in the past few legislations that have been tabled indefinitely resulted in killing the bill,” Wolfgang said.
SOP Chairman Paul Drake said the purpose of tabling the legislation indefinitely rather than just tabling it, was to avoid reporting each week that the legislation has again been tabled and reduce media pressure on ASUW.
Wolfgang said the bill should have been tabled rather than tabled indefinitely.
“I was shocked,” Wolfgang said. “ I feel like if Student Outreach and Policy wanted to table this they would have actually tabled it and released a survey, however, tabling indefinitely comes off as killing it.”
The purpose for tabling the bill at all is to preform outreach, conduct surveys and speak with affected RSO’s and students on campus, Drake said.
However, Wolfgang said outreach should have been done prior to the decision to table.
“It upsets me that none of them (members of SOP) outreached or did their job to talk to sponsors of this bill or the general student population,” Wolfgang said.
ASUW Director of Diversity Dimitri Nesbitt agreed.
“I would have liked to see outreach be considered before it was tabled as well,” Nesbit said
Wolfgang said another contributor to the SOP’s decision to table indefinitely may have been public sentiment that was created by ...

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