Saturday, March 4, 2017

Delta Springs to open for Tesheva tonight at Dave's Dark horse Tavern

The Reflector - life

Tesheva, a self-described ‘Southerndelic’ funk, bluesy-rock band from Starkville, Mississippi, has spent the past few months working on their first full-length LP.

Tonight, however, they will be crawling out of the studio and pairing up with the band Delta Springs and taking the stage of Dave’s Darkhorse Tavern for the first time since January.

Delta Springs will kick off the show starting around 9:30 p.m., with Tesheva preforming around 10:30 p.m.

Matt Dunaway, the bassest for Tesheva and Starkville native, said even though it has been a while since the group played at Dave’s, and much of their focus is on the recording process, Tesheva has still been preforming at a steady rate.

“The shows just haven’t really stopped,” Dunaway said. “We have kind of been on a bit of a hiatus but that is about to end. We’ve got a lot of shows coming up in the spring.”

Vaughan Brenner, Tesheva’s drummer, said recently the band has been playing at a joint called Top Shelf Tavern in Tuscolusa AL, and while they all said they love playing there, Tesheva loves playing shows at Dave’s.

“[Dave’s] is home-bar,” Dunaway said. “Its home base. People come out who have been following us for awhile and are excited to see some new material. Its kind of a comfort place where we can get up and try some new s**t.”

Tonight, Tesheva will be busting out many of the tracks that will comprise their new LP, including one of the first songs the group ever wrote, the mysteriously-inspired "Lychee."

In addition to hosting two very talented groups of home-grown musicians, Dave’s will also be serving pints of Budweiser for less than three bucks, so if you have yet to decide what your crew’s plans for the night are, it's definitely food for thought.

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