Monday, April 24, 2017

Moments with Marsalis and Jazz at Lincoln Center


When the world’s most renowned trumpet player brings the world’s most celebrated jazz orchestra to campus, that’s big. When the performers take the time to hear students play, give critiques, field questions and share their wealth of experience, that can be life-changing.
Composer, band leader and advocate for the arts Wynton Marsalis visited UNCG with the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra (JLCO) last Thursday as part of the University Performing Arts Series. In the afternoon before the big performance, Marsalis held a public conversation with Interim Director of the UNCG Jazz Studies program Chad Eby in Taylor Theatre. Marsalis spoke about his life and music training, jazz history, what it takes to play the music of Duke Ellington and his general view of the world.
Wynton Marsalis (right, playing trumpet) performs with the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra on Thursday night in Greensboro.
Prior to the talk, UNCG music students had the exclusive opportunity to work with members of the orchestra in clinics throughout the Music Building. Students formed jazz combos to play for the orchestra members, and the student musicians heard critiques and encouragement from some of the best jazz players in the world.
“Those cats can play, and they made me want to dance,” said freshman jazz studies major and piano player Sean Mason. “Dan Nimmer (JLCO pianist) was a cool guy, and so were the other members of the group. I think those are connections that I’ll keep for a lifetime.”
“A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” said Mason’s combo-mate, music performance graduate student and vibraphone player Chris Thompson. “It’s always humbling to get a critique from those who are leading the way.”
The UNCG students also impressed the orchestra members.
“They were swinging, they had a good idea about the music, they knew their tunes, they were receptive,” said JLCO trumpet player Tatum ...

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