Friday, April 14, 2017

CCMST Weekly News, July 30, 2010

Center for Computational Molecular Science and Technology

1. Announcements2. Statistics3. Tip of the WeekANNOUNCEMENTS
Summer Lecture Series in Electronic Structure Theory
The Summer Theory program will continue through August with a series of advanced lectures.
Lectures will be on Thursdays in MSE 4202A from 2-3pm, starting from Thursday August 3.
The new theory/computational graduate students, and anyone else who is interested are cordially invited to attend.

The series will continue next week with the following schedule:
August 3: Many-body Perturbation Theory (Marshall).
The complete schedule of the lectures can be found at



Uptime: 15 day/home directory usage: 69% (1.9TB available)/backups directory usage: 84%

LSF usage for Week 29 (7/19-7/25) (times are in minutes) Group Jobs Total CPU Avg CPU Avg Wait Avg Trnr. Bredas 139 252574 ( 13%) 1817 52 1810
Hernandez 72 22711 ( 1%) 315 21 358
Sherrill 39 114098 ( 6%) 2926 570 3592
Other 16 0 ( 0%) 0 0 0
Total 266 389382 ( 20%) 1464 116 1570
Note: percentages refer to the total CPU time available for the period
Most productive user of the Week: lyzhu 129007


Uptime: 243 days/theoryfs/common directory usage: 36% (427GB available)/theoryfs/ccmst directory usage: 81% (171GB available)

LSF usage for Week 29 (7/19-7/25) (times are in minutes) Group Jobs Total CPU Avg CPU Avg Wait Avg Trnr. Hernandez 134 86210 ( 6%) 643 111 757
Sherrill 70 61788 ( 4%) 883 39 951
Other 288 693573 ( 46%) 2408 178 2608
Total 492 841571 ( 56%) 1711 140 1868
Note: percentages refer to the total CPU time available for the periodMost productive user of the Week: rnear 683218

By Massimo
Block Editing in Vim

One of the less known capabilities of vim, and a quite useful one, is block editing. In vim it is possible to select an rectangular block of text (with or without including beginning and end of lines) and do editing operation on it. At the end of the editing, the operation will be automatically repeated on each line of the block. This is very useful when operating on formatted files, for instance formatted input files.

To initiate block editing, move the cursor at the beginning of the block of text you want to edit, then type Cntrl-v ...

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Georgia Tech Brings the World to Savannah

All GT News

Business and Economic Development

Georgia Tech Brings the World to Savannah

April 14, 2017
• Atlanta, GA

Click image to enlarge

More than 50 professionals from industry, government and academia participated in the first ever Georgia Tech-sponsored ports logistics conference April 10-11 in Savannah.

More than 50 professionals from industry, government and academia participated in the first ever Georgia Tech-sponsored ports logistics conference April 10-11 in Savannah. Participants in the invitation-only event hailed from Singapore, Panama, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and, of course, the United States. Led by Tim Brown, managing director of Georgia Tech’s Supply Chain and Logistics Institute (SCL), and SCL’s research directors Professors Benoit Montreuil and Martin Savelsbergh, the conference focused on the emerging role of ports in global trade. Such topics as port logistics in the physical Internet era, new port roles as industry interconnectors and regional development enablers, automation and robotics, and maritime-intensive supply chains were a part of the robust agenda.  The program included a tour of the Port of Savannah provided by the Georgia Ports Authority. “This is just one more way Georgia Tech fosters a global ecosystem of academic, industry, and government partners focused on next generation research and education,” Brown said. “Together, we can continue to build on the port’s successes and continue to bring the world to Savannah.”

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Friday, April 14, 2017

OSU Today

Today in the News Media is a synopsis of some of the most prominent coverage of OSU people and programs. Inclusion of any item constitutes neither an endorsement nor a critique, but rather is intended only to make the OSU community aware of significant items in the media.
OSU study suggests rate of severe forest fires to increase (Jefferson Public Radio)
A new Oregon State University study shows forest fires have increased across the Pacific Northwest, with more severe blazes negatively affecting old growth forests.
Lawsuit claims border wall would be bad for animals (Newsweek)
The lawsuit claims the 654 miles of existing walls and fences along the U.S.-Mexico border have already destroyed wildlife habitat and altered ecosystems. Clint Epps, a wildlife biologist at Oregon State University, told BBC News manmade barriers have stopped many animals, not just humans, from crossing the border. 
Why predators and prey should recover together (Futurity)
“You might think the loss of income associated with reducing harvest on both species at the same time would be greater than reducing harvest on one species after another, but our work suggests that synchronous recovery is ultimately better for recovering the ecosystem—and better from an economic perspective as well,” says coauthor Mark Novak of the Oregon State University College of Science.
Frequent PE helps adolescents to be better informed about physical activity’s role in health (Health Medicine Network)
Frequent, long-term instruction in physical education not only helps adolescents be more fit but also equips them with knowledge about how regular physical activity relates to good health, research at Oregon State University shows. (see also ANI, Medical Xpress)
51 percent of tweets about dementia contain stigma: study (McKnight’s Senior Living)
Researchers at Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, made the determination after they developed software and analyzed 33,000 tweets that made some reference to Alzheimer’s disease or ...

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OSU’s 2017 EdFest to focus on literary citizenship

About the OSU College of Liberal Arts: The College of Liberal Arts includes the fine and performing arts, humanities and social sciences, making it one of the largest and most diverse colleges at OSU. The college's research and instructional faculty members contribute to the education of all university students and provide national and international leadership, creativity and scholarship in their academic disciplines.

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UCR Professor Teams with Joshua Tree Non-profit to Create Artist Residency Program for Veterans

UCR Today

Charles Evered teams up with the Hi-Desert Cultural Center
By Mojgan Sherkat on April 14, 2017
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The Charles J. Evered House will be an artist residency for veterans.

RIVERSIDE, Calif. ( – Charles Evered, professor of playwriting at the University of California, Riverside, is seeking to create a special artist’s residency program with a non-profit group in Joshua Tree.
The residency, Charles J. Evered House, is primarily for military veterans who are writers, painters, musicians, and artists of all kinds.  The initiative is being created in partnership with the Hi-Desert Cultural Center.
The residency, Evered said, will also be open to those who served in conflict zones — including war correspondents and combat photographers.
“People who document war are often underpaid, uninsured, and targeted by regimes – living very precarious lives. Our veterans returning home face many challenges as well,” Evered said. “But, maybe if we could provide them with a peaceful and secure place to collect their thoughts for a while, it’ll advance their work and amazing things might come from it. Veterans have incredible stories to tell. To me, they literally are the stories of our times.”
The residence is named after his late father, who was a veteran of World War II. He died in 1979.
“I haven’t had a dad for almost 40 years, but I feel like I talk to him every day. He was a great man, and I want him to live on in some way,” said Evered, who shares his father’s name.
Evered, who is founding artistic director of the Department of Theatre, Film and Digital Production, was himself a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserve and his son is entering his fourth year in the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps. His daughter is a junior firefighter in Princeton, N.J. – rounding out three generations of service.

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Heal, fuel, and hydrate with juice made in STL

Olin BlogOlin Blog

Angela Zeng came to St. Louis from her native China in 1996 to earn her PhD in pathology from SLU before earning her MBA at Olin in 2005. She’s launched a natural beverage startup in St. Louis called Karuna and has been attracting the attention of local media with her bottled drinks that promote nutrition through plant-based beverages.
The St. Louis Business Journal reported that Zeng is investing $1.5 million to $2 million of her own money in the venture.
“Two of nature’s hardest-working healers, Mung Bean Sprouts and Aronia Berries, come together in Karuna Heal to bring you pure revitalization,” according to the website.
“Karuna Heal: Bean Sprout & Aronia Berry juice is rich in vitamins, minerals and a wealth of antioxidant properties.
“The benefits of these natural ingredient powerhouses will illuminate the path to true nourishment and healing.”
Karuna comes in  four other flavors: Divine Chestnut. Fruity Longan, Divine Three, and Sunny Date.
Link to St. Louis Business Journal (paywall)
Link to Ladue News.

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UMass Motorsport Club Hosts Annual UMass Car Show April 23

UMass Amherst: News Archive

AMHERST, Mass. – The UMass Motorsport Club is hosting the 11th annual UMass Car Show on Sunday, April 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Lot 33 on North University Drive at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.Sponsored by Ed’s Custom Muffler Shop in Springfield, the event attracts more than 600 vehicles and thousands of spectators each year. The show will include 14 judging categories, a live DJ, audio sound-off and an exhaust competition. Food will be provided by the BabyBerk food truck operated by UMass Dining Services.
Admission is free but there is a $10 entry charge for vehicles to be in the show.
The UMass Motorsport Club is a registered student organization and part of the recreation council at UMass Amherst.

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UT Press Partners with School of Art to Create Book Covers

Headlines – Tennessee Today

Sierra Plese, a senior in graphic design from Farragut, Tennessee, is about to see her work go to press.Plese’s design, featuring carefully selected type, has been chosen to grace the cover of Athens of the New South, published by UT Press.
“I really appreciated the chance to work with UT Press,” said Plese. “It has been a great learning experience and I am excited to see my work published.”
The opportunity is the result of a new partnership between UT Press and the School of Art’s graphic design program.
After seeing a similar project done at the University of Illinois Press, Kelly Gray, senior designer at UT Press, reached out to Associate Professor Deborah Shmerler to see if her students would be interested in helping design the cover of the book.
UT Press prepared a presentation for Shmerler’s typography class, inviting students to submit their designs to be considered for the cover of the book, which is a reflection on the history of Nashville.
Weeks later, UT Press returned to critique the work.
“We were extremely pleased with the results. There were around 19 designs, and several of them revealed promising talent and a deeper engagement with the material than we had expected,” said Gray. “The critique involved discussing basic design concepts, getting students to elaborate on their aesthetic visions and defend their choices.”
Gray and her team from UT Press chose three designs as potential covers. From those, the writer, Mary Ellen Pethel, selected Plese’s design. Plese is currently working with UT Press on creating an interior design to complement the cover.
Shmerler says the experience sparked her students’ interest in book production.
UT Press is planning on making the competition an ongoing partnership. In addition, they are currently in the process of creating an internship that allow students to explore similar concepts in depth.
“ ...

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Pitt Chancellor Patrick Gallagher Issues Statement on Dan Rooney’s Passing


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La Universitat de Barcelona obté grans resultats en la competició d’analítica de dades més gran de l’Estat

Universitat de Barcelona - Notícies

Les dues guanyadores en la categoria Microsoft Predictive Modelling són alumnes de la Universitat de Barcelona.

Els dos equips de la UB, Random6 (Alexandra Abós i Xisca Pericàs) i Visual Miners (David Solans, Biel Stela i Ignasi Pérez), han fet un gran paper a la Cajamar UniversityHack 2017.



L’equip Random6, format per Alexandra Abós i Xisca Pericàs, de la Universitat de Barcelona, ha guanyat la Cajamar UniversityHack 2017 en la categoria de Microsoft Predictive Modelling. L'equip Visual Miners, compost per David Solans, Biel Stela i Ignasi Pérez, també de la UB, ha quedat segon en la categoria IBM Card Analytics. La Cajamar UniversityHack està considerada la competició d’analítica de dades més important de l’Estat. En aquesta edició, que va finalitzar el passat 6 d’abril, hi han participat tretze universitats i 130 equips.

En la categoria Microsoft Predictive Modelling, els equips havien de predir la probabilitat que un client contracti un producte financer sobre la base d'unes variables anonimitzades de clients particulars de Cajamar. En el cas d'IBM Card Analytics, es tractava de crear la millor aplicació i visualització a partir de dades anonimitzades de Cajamar de transaccions amb targeta a la ciutat de València, amb dades reals agregades del Grup Cajamar dels anys 2015-2016.
La Universitat Carlos III, guanyadora en aquesta segona categoria, i les universitats de València, Autònoma de Madrid i Europea de Madrid també han obtingut bons resultats en aquesta competició.

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Missouri S&T students build competition-ready canoe out of concrete

Missouri S&T News and Events

The Concrete Canoe Design Team races their canoe at Little Prairie Lake on Saturday April 23, 2016. Sam O’Keefe/Missouri S&TStudents from Missouri University of Science and Technology have built a 250-pound canoe out of concrete and will prove that it floats during the American Society of Civil Engineers’ 2017 Mid-Continent Student Conference.
The Missouri S&T Concrete Canoe Design Team will showcase its canoe and compete against other regional universities at the conference, which will be held April 21-22, at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
For the competition, students must design a “lightweight” concrete canoe that can remain buoyant when completely submerged in water, is strong enough to hold several paddlers and can easily maneuver through the water.
After passing a “swamp test,” designed to test the buoyancy of the canoe, the team will then race it in head-to-head short-distance and endurance events.
Each team is also judged on its engineering reports, a presentation and displays that illustrate the manufacturing process.
This year, Missouri S&T’s canoe was built using a mold that was repurposed mold from a previous year. It is approximately 18 feet long, 2.5 feet wide and 15 inches deep. The canoe is made of a mixture of Portland cement – the same material found in sidewalks – ceramic air-filled bubbles, carbon fiber and repurposed coal ash.
To learn more about the team, visit
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Students grapple with new documentary, linguistic inequality alongside visiting sociolinguist

UMSL Daily

For Associate Professor of Linguistics Benjamin Torbert (at right), introducing Walt Wolfram to UMSL students last week was a special treat. Wolfram, the William C. Friday Distinguished University Professor at North Carolina State University, had a critical impact on Torbert’s own life and scholarship years ago. (Photo by Evie Hemphill)
Liz Miller and her classmates in English 5800 have been digging into the intersections of dialect, stigma and discrimination all semester. But that focus impacted her in a new way last week when one of the authors they’d been reading – Walt Wolfram – showed up in person.
“It was great to put a face and a voice to everything we’ve been studying,” said Miller, who is wrapping up her master’s degree with emphases in rhetoric and gender studies at the University of Missouri­–St. Louis this spring. “I really appreciate that he showed us concrete examples of what [linguistic diversity] has looked like at his university. It gives me hope that we can all do better.”
Although Wolfram, who leads the Language and Life Project at North Carolina State University and has devoted about 50 years to researching social and ethnic dialects, was only in St. Louis for one day, Miller and fellow campus community members had ample opportunity to interact with him during the April 6 visit.
“One reason that I invited Dr. Wolfram is that this is the first semester I’ve taught a graduate course and an undergraduate course in my specialty at the same time,” said UMSL linguist Benjamin Torbert, a Department of English faculty member and former student of Wolfram’s. “So I thought we could get him in front of the undergrads in the afternoon and the grads in the evening.”
Torbert also opened the educational events up to the public, and the afternoon showing of the Life and Language Project’s brand ...

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CSUF Young Americans for Liberty host beach ball event to promote free speech and address student rights

Daily Titan

Members of the Cal State Fullerton Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) club rolled a giant beach ball through Titan Walk Wednesday, inviting students to write their political opinions on it and sign the club’s petition to protect free speech on campus.
The petition seeks to “protect free speech on campus” and calls for the termination any faculty member who encroaches on the rights of students, said Aaron Van Meter Jones, president of the CSUF chapter of YAL.
Jones said the clause about faculty termination was added after a Feb. 8 altercation involving part-time anthropology lecturer Eric Canin and three members of the CSUF College Republicans club during a protest on campus.
“The week before our first planned event, Eric Canin decided to assault a student over his political beliefs so then the petition kind of became personal,” Jones said.
An internal university investigation determined an “employee struck a student,” according to an emailed statement from CSUF Chief Communications Officer Jeffrey Cook Feb. 22. The statement read “even when we find opposing views objectionable, ours is a campus where we will insist that respect be afforded to the right of others to assert those views.”
Canin was suspended following the incident.
Canin and his representatives have continued to deny that Canin struck anyone. Canin said in a text message after the altercation that he was “confident any video would exonerate” him.
“It is grotesque that the attack on Dr. Canin, the silencing of Dr. Canin and the threat to take away his livelihood is being portrayed as a defense of free speech,” said California Faculty Association Fullerton Faculty Rights Chair Tyler McMillen in a text message in March.
The petition has about 170 student signatures, Jones said, and YAL plans to send it to the anthropology department head, Interim Dean of Students Alisia Kirkwood and the vice president of Student Life and Leadership ...

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Watch: April 18 Liturgy, Building Dedications on Historical Ties to Slavery

News Archive

April 14, 2017 – Georgetown, in partnership with the Archdiocese of Washington and the Society of Jesus in the United States, will hold a religious ceremony and building dedication on April 18 in honor of the 272 enslaved men, women and children sold by Maryland Jesuits in 1838.
The Liturgy of Remembrance, Contrition, and Hope will take place at 10 a.m. in Gaston Hall as part of the day’s events, which will be attended by descendants of the enslaved people as well as members of the university community and the general public.
The liturgy will include Bishop Barry Knestout of Washington; Rev. Robert Hussey, S.J., Provincial of the Maryland Province Jesuits; and Rev. Timothy Kesicki, S.J., president of the Jesuit Conference, the organization that represents the Society of Jesus in the United States and Canada.
The event will be webcast live. Those who would like to attend may register.
Following the religious ceremony, the university will dedicate two campus buildings for Isaac Hawkins and Anne Marie Becraft. These halls were formerly named for two Jesuits involved in the 1838 sale to Louisiana plantation owners.
Isaac Hawkins Hall, formerly known as Mulledy Hall and provisionally named as Freedom Hall in 2015, will be named for the first enslaved person listed in documents related to the 1838 sale.
Anne Marie Becraft Hall, formerly known as McSherry Hall and provisionally named in 2015 as Remembrance Hall, will be renamed for a free woman of color who established a school in the town of Georgetown for black girls. The school was one of the first such educational endeavors in the District of Columbia.
She later joined the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the oldest active Roman Catholic sisterhood in the Americas established by women of African descent.
Also scheduled for April 18 is a reflection hour and lunch reception aand other events to honor the descendants and reflect on Georgetown’s historical ties ...

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The Hormone Oxytocin is Being Tested for Treatment of PTSD and Alcohol Abuse

UCSF - Latest News Feed

Nightmares. Obsessive thoughts. Avoiding particular places. Sudden outbursts. Fearing you’re in danger. Survivor guilt.

These experiences – manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – are part of life for up to 1 in 3 U.S. combat veterans and active military personnel. That’s more than triple the prevalence of PTSD in the population at large. About two-thirds of those with PTSD struggle with alcohol abuse.

A new trial may hold new hope for these military personnel through treatment with oxytocin, sometimes referred to as the “love hormone.”

A Shift in Thinking

It’s no surprise that the threat or actuality of battle takes a psychological toll. What is surprising, are changes that Jennifer Mitchell, PhD, an associate professor of neurology in the UCSF School of Medicine, has found in the U.S. military’s attitude toward the condition, and its willingness to experiment in order to help troubled soldiers.

Jennifer Mitchell, PhD“It used to be that when an officer was experiencing this kind of thing, they were simply excused from the military,” said Mitchell, whose work focuses on PTSD and substance abuse. “Now they’re coming to accept that this is happening to many career personnel, and the military wants to keep these active duty people going. It’s an entirely new development philosophically.”

That shift is allowing Mitchell to test the potential of oxytocin, a hormone released during sex, childbirth and lactation as a treatment for PTSD and substance abuse among active military personnel. Oxytocin, present in both women and men, plays a role in social behavior, trust, empathy, and managing stress and anxiety. Its qualities have drawn researchers to the hormone, which is showing promise as a treatment for autism and schizophrenia.

“It helps with several conditions because they all involve similar stress responses,” said Mitchell, who has published findings about oxytocin for substance abuse. “Our thinking is that ...

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Nursing Students Tackle Real-World Healthcare Needs

Health – UConn Today

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome can strike fear in the heart of a new parent – something Olivia Briggs ’17 (NUR) knows well. When her nephew was a newborn, her sister obsessively bounced in and out of his room to make sure he was still breathing, she recalls. Not long before, a friend of her sister’s lost her baby to SIDS, the cause of 4,000 sleeping-related deaths annually in the United States, according to the American SIDS Institute.
Biomedical engineering students demonstrate a prototype of the Baby Breathing Bed. The concept will be part of the School of Nursing Shark Tank event on April 19. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)Briggs’ experience is the inspiration for the Baby Breathing Bed, a sensor-equipped mattress designed to detect impaired breathing in infants and alert parents in time to prevent SIDS. The innovation is one of 21 concepts being presented by teams of UConn seniors on April 19, when the School of Nursing is scheduled to hold its annual Healthcare Innovation “Shark Tank” event, which is part of the school’s ATHENA Research Conference.
“I came up with the idea and brought it to my group thinking that maybe this would be something that parents could use, even if only for peace of mind,” says Briggs. “It might be enough of a comfort for parents just knowing that their child is on this bed and if something were to go wrong, they would get an alert, instead of having to go into the room all the time and check on the infant.”
Last spring, the then third-year nursing students began working in a range of clinical settings. They were organized into teams and asked to come up with an innovation to address a healthcare need they were encountering and that had broad, real-world applicability, says Professor Christine Meehan, who with Professor Anna Bourgault co-directs the Healthcare Innovation Program.
“We are ...

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No. 37 FIU Women Tennis Travels to Boca Raton on Saturday

FIU Athletics

MIAMI (April 14, 2017) – The No. 37 FIU women's tennis team (18-1) travels to Boca Raton, Florida, to face Conference USA foe Florida Atlantic (11-9) on Saturday, April 15. First serve is set for 10 a.m. The Panthers come into Saturday's match having won 16-straight matches, including the team's 12th shutout of the season with a 4-0 victory over UCF on Saturday, April 1.The Owls come into Saturday's match having won seven of their last eight outings and are coming off a 5-2 loss against Miami on Friday, March 31.Saturday will mark the 28th meeting all-time between the two schools with FIU holding a 27-1 edge in series history. The Panthers have won 11-straight versus the Owls. The last meeting between the two schools resulted in 4-0 win for FIU on April 9, 2014 in Boca Raton.  
 Andrea Lazaro, Ulyana Grib and Maryna Veksler have each recorded 19 or more wins this season, with Veksler registering a team-best 14 victories in dual matches. Lazaro is currently ranked No. 44 in the latest Oracle/ITA Women's National Singles Rankings. The native of Barcelona, Spain, has registered an overall record of 19-2 (13-1 in dual matches) and is 17-3 in doubles, with an 11-1 recorded with her partner senior Nina Nagode. Nagode is competing in her last regular season dual match as a Panther Nagode enters Saturday's action with an overall career record of 40-19.
Fans are encouraged to follow the Panthers on Facebook ( for all the latest FIU women's tennis news. Follow all of FIU's 18 athletic teams on Twitter (@FIUAthletics), Facebook (, YouTube (FIUPanthers), and Instagram (FIUathletics).#####About FIU Athletics: FIU Athletics is home to more than 400 student-athletes in 18 different sports. Athletic events are played in seven different venues on FIU's campuses (Modesto A. Maidique and Biscayne Bay), including FIU Arena and Riccardo Silva Stadium.
 About FIU: Florida International University is classified by Carnegie as ...

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Jackson Throws Hammer PR at Mt. SAC Relays
Headline News

Will Stafford (@WillStaffordLSU)Associate SID

TORRANCE, Calif. – NCAA Indoor Champion Johnnie Jackson added his name to the NCAA-title chase outdoors during Thursday’s action at the 59th Mt. SAC Relays as he raised his personal best by more than eight feet with a series-best throw of 231 feet, 2 inches to take third place in the men’s invitational hammer throw.
Five of Jackson’s six throws on Thursday night eclipsed his personal best entering the meet after opening his outdoor season with a previous PR of 222-9 at the Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays two weeks ago.
Jackson opened with a mark of 223-5 for his very first attempt of the competition to sit second after the first round of throws before posting a best of 231-2 in the second round to take the lead in the event. He carried that lead into the finals after wrapping up the qualifying round with a throw of 224-4 with his third attempt.
Jackson, who added throws of 224-7 in the fifth round and 227-5 in the sixth round, slipped to third place in the fifth round after UNAL Tigres athlete Diego Del Real threw a winning mark of 246-0 and Ole Miss standout Dempsey McGuigan threw 231-5 to edge Jackson for second place. Unattached thrower Connor Neu followed in fourth at 228-11, while Iron Wood Track Club’s Sean Donnelly ended the day in fifth place at 228-3.
Jackson continued his outstanding 2017 season as he moved back into the NCAA’s Top 10 as the No. 7-ranked hammer thrower nationally this season. His 231-2 also moved him up a spot into the No. 2 spot on LSU’s all-time outdoor performance list in the men’s hammer throw, trailing only the school-record mark of 239-5 set by former NCAA Champion Walter Henning during the 2010 season.
Also throwing a seasonal best in the hammer throw during Thursday’ ...

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‘Memory’s Encouragement’ by Rice’s Gorry explores how to discover significance in one’s life

Rice University News & Media

In a new book, Rice’s Tony Gorry recalls scenes from his earliest postwar childhood and adolescence, weaving his present reality with these images to unlock meaning hidden in the remembered moments. Gorry helps his mother, discovers his father’s combat heroics, goes on adventures with his dog, sleds, watches clouds and learns slowly about the world of a small town in New York and the attitudes and principles that govern his parents’ generation.
Published this month by Paul Dry Books, the 173-page memoir “Memory’s Encouragement” reveals that while these moments on their surface may appear “ordinary,” they point the way to a life well-lived.
“I began writing it when I was first diagnosed with leukemia about eight years ago,” said Gorry, the Friedkin Professor Emeritus of Management at Rice’s Jones Graduate School of Business. Prior to his retirement, he was also a professor of computer science and the director of the Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning at Rice.
“I thought about the ways in which my parents had faced adversity,” Gorry said. “And as I wrote some about their lives, I began to better understand aspects of my own. I published a short essay about my confrontation with leukemia that received quite a bit of attention, so I began to expand it as well. And soon I found I was integrating my experience as a teacher, researcher and consultant in some reflections on our lives in the ‘high-speed’ lane of the internet. Last I found myself returning to a piece I published in the Classical Journal on the challenges of learning ancient Greek. Over time, all these came together in my memoir that extends from my birth during the Second World War to the present day.”
Gorry also “remembers” events at which he was never present, such as the evening his parents first ...

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Trial and Error: Researchers Publish Findings From First UC Phase I Trial

UC Health News

Sometimes in life, the only way to learn is through failure.The same is true in science: Without testing a hypothesis, which sometimes is incorrect, researchers wouldn’t know how to tweak experiments or improve drug combinations to make important strides.Researchers at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine recently published a study—their inaugural study in the Phase I Experimental Therapeutics Program first formed in 2010—which did not have favorable outcomes, but that opens the possibility for future studies which could be applicable to patient treatment in the future."It was our first investigator-sponsored trial, but it just didn’t work out the way we hoped. However, the results of our study do highlight the critical need for consideration of biopharmaceutical properties in designing investigational agents targeting molecular pathways and drug delivery approaches to find therapeutically relevant drug combinations,” says John Morris, MD, study co-author and director of the UC Phase I Experimental Therapeutics Program.The study, published in the journal Targeted Oncology, found that the combination of two targeted therapies which showed promise in preclinical models (human tumor samples and animal models) were not beneficial and caused a number of side effects in patients enrolled in the study."The development of molecularly targeted agents, small molecules or antibodies directed against specific cancer-causing targets, has transformed cancer therapy, leading to improved disease control and extended survival,” says Morris, co-leader of the UC Cancer Institute's Comprehensive Lung Cancer Program, member within the Cincinnati Cancer Consortium, professor in the division of hematology oncology and UC Health medical oncologist. "However, only a few of these agents have been successful as single agents, likely because many tumors develop alternate signaling pathways or harbor additional genetic alterations and are not driven by a single mutation. Therefore, these tumors require targeting of multiple key signaling regulators, warranting combination therapy.”Morris says a pathway known ...

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Get tickets for Summer Family Musical set July 5-7

Lone Star College CyFair News

Published on: June 01, 2016

Dont miss Freckleface Strawberry: The Musical on stage July 5-7 at Lone Star College-CyFair.
This show, based on the New York Times Best Selling book by celebrated actress Julianne Moore, is a fun and touching family musical.
Families can step inside the book's pages with Freckleface and friends as they learn to love the skin they're in at this performance specifically created for young audiences.
Performances will be held at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wednesday and 10 a.m. Thursday in the Main Stage Theatre.
For tickets, group discounts and information go to, call 281.290.5201, or email

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Lone Star College-North Harris announces audition for spring theatrical performance

Lone Star College North Harris News

Published on: November 19, 2015

The Lone
Star College-North Harris Division of Fine Arts will host an audition for its
spring theatre production, A Midsummer Nights Dream, on December 8 from 5 to
8 p.m. The audition is open to actors from throughout the community,
and not just students at Lone Star College-North Harris. This play is one of William Shakespeare's
most popular works for the stage and is widely performed across the world.
Midsummer Nights Dream, is a comedy believed to have been written between 1590 and 1597. The play
portrays the events surrounding the marriage of the Duke of Athens,
Theseus, and Hippolyta. These include the adventures of
four young Athenian lovers and a group of six amateur actors (the mechanicals), who are controlled and manipulated by the fairies who inhabit
the forest in which most of the play is set.
Twenty actors are needed for the
cast. To audition, actors must prepare one monologue from a Shakespearean play
or sonnet. To schedule an audition, call 281.765.7963 or email Director Cash
Carpenter at . Students who are part of the Lone
Star College system will also receive college credit if cast.
Rehearsals are tentatively scheduled
to begin on Jan. 19, 2016. The performance is scheduled for February 24 through
28, 2016.
The LSC-North Harris Division of Fine Arts offers a variety of concerts,
theatrical productions, art exhibitions and lectures, workshops and more
throughout the year. Past theatrical performances include Tarzan, Steel Magnolias and Rent.

Lone Star College-North Harris is located at 2700 W.W. Thorne Drive,
one-half mile south of FM 1960 East, between Aldine-Westfield and Hardy Roads.
For more information about the college, call 281.618.5400 or visit
Lone Star College has been opening
doors to a better community for more than 40 years. Founded in 1973, LSC
remains steadfast in its commitment to student success and credential
completion.Today, with almost 83,000 students in credit classes, and a

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Thursday, April 13, 2017

From Classroom to Courtroom

University at Albany University at Albany Headlines

Albany Law School President and Dean Alicia Ouellette, at right, congratulates a UAlbany student on a fine showing in the Undergraduate Intercultural Moot Court Competition. (Photo by Meaghan Lambert)

ALBANY, N.Y. (April 14, 2017) — Last Saturday, 21 UAlbany students were at Albany Law School, presenting legal arguments on behalf of their client before a panel of local practicing attorneys and judges. The case focused on a family law issues related to parental rights.
The day was part of the 2nd annual Theodore T. Jones Undergraduate Intercultural Moot Court Competition. The competition is named after a New York Court of Appeals judge who served on New York’s highest court, and honors his dedication to pipeline and other diversity initiatives.
“There’s no better experience than a real-world experience, and this moot court competition provides UAlbany students interested in a career in law with as close to a real-world courtroom experience as there is,” said Michael N. Christakis, vice president for Student Affairs and a public service professor.
Christakis worked with Rosemary Queenan, Albany Law School’s associate dean for student affairs, and Professor Jim Acker of UAlbany’s School of Criminal Justice, to organize and seek funding for the competition. Acker spent the spring semester preparing the UAlbany students for the competition in his Moot Court class. Queenan and Professor Jerry Rock also visited the class to help prepare the students for competition day.
The winners of the competition, Samantha McCarthy ’18, a psychology major, and Ali Hansen ’19, a criminal justice and environmental health dual major, as well as finalists Nicholas Gonzalez ’20, a political science and communication dual major, and Alicia Cacioppo ’19, a psychology and art dual major, earned cash prizes.
Several other competitors were recognized for their outstanding oral advocacy skills during the first two preliminary rounds of the competition: Lisa Dobrowolsky ’19, a criminal justice and sociology dual major, for best oral ...

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Clemson hosts conference designed to strengthen South Carolina forestry industry

Newsstand | Clemson University News and Stories, South Carolina

CLEMSON — Forestry industry leaders from across South Carolina converged on Clemson University Tuesday for an all-day conference billed as an opportunity to forge collaborations between business and higher education.
Forestry executives from across South Carolina attend the Forestry Industry Advisory Conference hosted by Clemson University.
The Forestry Industry Advisory Conference was hosted by Clemson’s forestry and environmental conservation department and attended by more than 70 industry executives and representatives from state and federal agencies. The attendees worked with Clemson administrators, faculty, Extension foresters and students to find ways they can partner to keep the state’s $20 billion forestry industry humming.
The conference’s keynote speaker was John D. Williams, chief executive officer of Domtar Corporation, the largest integrated producer of uncoated freesheet paper in North America.
Williams spoke about the need for creativity and innovation in an industry that will be renewing much of its workforce over the coming years.
“Clemson’s number one deliverable is fabulous graduates,” Williams said. “This industry, regardless of the grade we’re making now, is going to face its challenges and we need talented teams of people who can help the industry overcome these challenges.”
Williams also called for the forestry industry to embrace sustainability.
“When forests are well-managed they are self-sustaining ecosystems. Clemson is clearly focused on this. Nobody needs sustainable forests more than the pulp and paper industry. If they’re not there, we’re done. Sustainability can also serve as a marketing story that sets the Southeast apart from other markets,” Williams said.
Forestry industry representatives from Schneider Tree Care, American Forest Management, Milliken, International Paper and others called on Clemson’s forestry department to fill curriculum gaps, incentivize curriculum innovation, provide research support in areas that apply more directly to industry needs and help create manufacturing markets for South Carolina’s abundant timber.
One such initiative is Clemson’s Wood ...

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Lundy’s Walk-Off Home Run Gives Baseball a 4-3 Win Over Saint Joseph’s

Fordham Newsroom

Bronx, N.Y. – The picture perfect afternoon on Thursday at Houlihan Park ended with the picture perfect finish for the Fordham baseball team, as senior outfielder Jason Lundy connected on a walk-off two-run home run to give the Rams a 4-3 victory over the Saint Joseph’s Hawks.  The walk-off win was the fourth this season for the Rams.
Source:: Fordham Athletics

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Athletics News

Apr 13, 2017

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — After 14 practices over five weeks, the Sacramento State football team will wrap up its spring ball on Friday, May 12. The team will hold a controlled scrimmage at Hornet Stadium beginning at 6:30 p.m. and is open to the public.During the night the offense will be placed in various situations on the field which will include hurry-up, backed up on its own half of the filed, third down, and red zone. In an attempt to reduce the risk of injury, all tackling will be thud — meaning the defense will wrap up but not take the player to the ground.On Friday morning, members of the coaching staff will join former players, staff and guests for the annual Bob Mattos Memorial Golf Tournament at Rancho Murrieta Country Club. Football alumni are also invited to the practice and to partake in a reception at the stadium following the action.TEAM HANDS OUT AWARDSLast Saturday, the program honored its seniors and handed out awards at the the annual banquet at the Marriott Rancho Cordova.
Jordan Robinson
Team MVPCoach Bob Mattos Offensive MVPOutstanding Offensive BackRobinson led Sacramento State with 996 rushing yards during the season and averaged a career high 6.1 yards per carry. His total placed him fourth among Big Sky running backs during the regular season and he led the league with 13 rushing touchdowns. The Chino Hills, Calif., native ended the regular season with four consecutive 100-yard games, totaling 659 yards and 10 touchdowns during that stretch. Robinson's yardage total was the most by a Sacramento State running back since 2008 while his 13 rushing touchdowns were the most by a Hornet since 2000. He also secured the ball as he did not fumble once during the year.Robinson concluded his career with 2,826 rushing yards which places him fourth in the Sacramento State record book. He also ranks fourth in career attempts (543), tied for fifth in ...

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Law student picked for ABA’s Judicial Clerkship Program

SIU News

April 12, 2017
Law student picked for ABA’s Judicial Clerkship Program
by Pete Rosenbery
CARBONDALE, Ill. – A law student at Southern Illinois University Carbondale is just one of nine students from law schools across the country selected for the American Bar Association's Judicial Clerkship Program. 
Ashley Moya recently learned that she will participate in the eight-week judicial internship with Christine Ward, a civil court judge with the Fifth Judicial District of Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh. The internship begins in June. 
“I couldn’t believe it,” Moya said. “I am still like, ‘are you sure you picked me?’” 
This is the first time a student from the SIU School of Law has been selected for the program. 
Moya’s honor is “wonderful and well-deserved,” Dean Cynthia L. Fountaine, said. “She has worked hard and accomplished great things and I am so pleased that she is going to have this opportunity.” 
“The selection of Ashley for this program demonstrates what we already know -- that our students are among the best and brightest law students in the country and that they are competitive for the top positions in a nationally competitive legal market,” Fountaine said. “At SIU Law, we strive to enable our students to have opportunities that will enable them to achieve their dreams. This program will help Ashley achieve hers. She has an incredibly bright future ahead of her and I know she will make all of us here at SIU Law very proud.” 
Moya is a first-generation U.S. citizen from Honduras; her family, including mother, Ligia, lives in Miami. Moya graduated from Stetson University in DeLand, Fla., with a degree in International Studies. She was persuaded to come to the SIU School of Law by Paula Basler, the law school’s director of alumni affairs, whom Moya met with while Basler was on a recruiting trip. 
Moya smiled when recalling ...

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No.5 HSU Softball prepares for Four Game Set with Cal State San Marcos

Humboldt State University Athletics

ARCATA, Calif.- No.5 Humboldt State Softball is back in action Thursday afternoon when they take on Cal State San Marcos in the first two games of the scheduled four game series. HSU split with N0.13 Chico State Monday afternoon before day two's doubleheader was canceled due to rain.The Jacks come into the matchup with San Marcos 29-8 overall on the season with a 17-7 record in California Collegiate Athletic Association play. San Marcos enters the contest 8-29 overall and 7-21 in conference play.HSU, saw it bats come alive in game two against the Wildcats on Monday, putting up ten runs in the contest. The Jacks continue to lead the conference in home runs. San Marcos has struggled offensively as they are last in the CCAA in both batting average (.235), home runs (5), runs scored (74) and rbi's (65).HSU pitching continues to be a strong point as their 2.06 era ranks third in the CCAA. San Marcos comes in with a team era of 3.31 and have allowed 116 earned runs compared to just 72 by the Jacks.IMPORTANT NEWS: Tomorrows doubleheader is scheduled for first pitch at 11am at McKinleyville High School. Final decision will be made at 8am Thursday morning (4/13). Please check the Humboldt State Lumberjacks Facebook page for updates on game time and location.Print Friendly Version

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Research awards at IUPUI increased by $40.5 million in 2016: Newscenter: Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis

Science & Research

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEINDIANAPOLIS -- The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis has released funding results for fiscal year 2016 showing research awards campuswide totaled $428.9 million, a $40.5 million increase over 2015.
Counting only non-IU School of Medicine awards, the campus received $67.2 million in research awards in 2016, compared to $58.1 million in 2015, a 16 percent increase.
The increase in research awards reflects, in part, the support of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research to advance innovative research and creative activity.
Funding awards for 2016 show an increase in National Science Foundation awards, one of the office's strategic goals. NSF funding rose from $5.2 million in 2015 to $7.9 million in 2016.
NSF awards in 2016 included $200,022 for a research team led by the School of Engineering and Technology to overcome problems with one approach to increasing the capacity of lithium ion batteries.
Another National Science Foundation grant will enable researchers at IUPUI to develop a Breathalyzer-type device to detect the onset of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar episodes, in people with diabetes.
The funding awards underscore efforts by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research to develop and expand research programs that address important national and global needs and support economic development of Indiana and the nation.
Other external funding supported research to:
Develop information-based tools to help primary care providers improve care for patients with chronic pain, a condition that affects 100 million Americans at a cost of $630 billion annually in health care costs and lost worker productivity.
Study the use of the electronic dental record to evaluate the outcome of dental treatments.
Study nonmilitary applications of unmanned aerial systems (drone) technology, such as remote imaging for water quality, mosquito habitat mapping, disaster preparation, precision agriculture, and the utilization and analysis of data collected with unmanned aerial systems.
The office helps stimulate faculty research efforts through internal funding programs, events, workshops and proposal ...

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CSUSM Will Become Smoke-Free Campus in Fall

CSUSM NewsCenter

Get ready for a tobacco-free environment. Cal State San Marcos, which already limits tobacco use to designated smoking areas, will become a completely smoke- and tobacco-free campus beginning in fall 2017.Electronic cigarettes will also be banned.

“Becoming a smoke- and tobacco-free campus protects and promotes the health and well-being of our campus community,” said Dr. Kimberly Pulvers, a CSUSM associate professor of psychology who has researched addiction and tobacco use extensively. “The smoke- and tobacco-free campus initiative supports the mission and values of our university, prepares our students to enter workforces which are increasingly smoke and tobacco-free, and supports environmental sustainability and litter reduction.”

CSU Chancellor Timothy White issued an Executive Order on April 7 implementing a systemwide smoke- and tobacco-free environment for campuses effective Sept. 1.

CSUSM will be aided in its effort through a recently awarded $20,000 grant as part of the American Cancer Society and the CVS Health Foundation’s Tobacco-Free Generation Campus Initiative, a $3.6 million effort to accelerate and expand smoke- and tobacco-free campuses. The funding will be used for educational material, supplies and personnel essential to implement and evaluate the initiative. Monthly educational events promoting the program through a variety of channels already is under way.

A recent survey showed more than three quarters of students support the concept.

Nearly 10 percent of the campus community, including faculty and staff, had used a tobacco product within the past 30 days, according to the survey, including nearly 9 percent who smoked cigarettes. And the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the California Environmental Protection Agency say there is no safe level for exposure to second-hand smoke.

Pulvers said designated smoking areas – such as the kind now in place on campus – can, in fact, do more harm than good, as they may encourage non-daily smokers to light up. And that can lead to the faulty perception that more people are using tobacco than ...

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Food Truck Bonanza at All Three Campuses!

Inside MC Online

The food trucks are coming! Prepare to feast on the flavors coming to your campus. Vendors will be on site 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. on each date. Germantown Event Date: April 18 Location: Lot 3 across from BE building Vendors: Danibelles, Spud Nation, Honey's Empanadas, El Pollo Submarine, and Crepe Love Takoma Park/Silver Spring Event date: April 19 Location: In front of ST and CM buildings Vendors: Chix N Stix, Cajun Delhi, Spud Nation, Honey's Empanadas, and El Pollo Submarine Rockville Event Date: April 20 Location: Lot 11 in front of SC buidling Vendors: Jammin Flava, Spud Nation, Honey's Empanadas, El Pollo Submarine and Cajun Delhi

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Kids cook during June and July

UNCE RSS News and Events

Kids cook during June and JulyPosted 4/11/2017University of Nevada Cooperative Extension’s nutrition staff offering classes
Seth is learning kitchen basics in Cooperative Extension’s Nutrition Lab.
Is your child ready for educational fun in the kitchen this summer? University of Nevada Cooperative Extension’s nutrition staff is offering free beginners’ cooking classes for kids ages 9-13. The free, 5-day short courses are held from 9-11 a.m. in the Lifelong Learning Center’s Nutrition Lab.

The first session dates are June 15, 16, 22, 23 and 29. In July, there are three sessions, July 10-14; July 17-21; and July 24-28.

During the session, your child will learn cooking basics such as measuring, cutting, reading recipes, choosing foods, and general kitchen safety. Space is limited to 12 students for each session. Parent/guardian is required to sign an assumption of risk form upon arrival to first class.

Cooperative Extension’s Lifelong Learning Center is located at 8050 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, Nev. For more information, email or call Susan Lednicky at 702-257-5548.

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Wisconsin Faculty Brings Horror Design to Life in Halloween-Themed Event

News Beat

The Rasmussen College School of Design encouraged students to get in the spooky spirit by hosting a Halloween-themed event. The “Dark Art” event took place on Thursday, Oct. 30, at the Appleton campus and was broadcast live online to allow students from across the country to participate virtually.Russ Merritt is the state program coordinator for Rasmussen College’s Wisconsin and Illinois campuses and the mastermind behind Dark Art. He says he wanted to coordinate an event that was educational, fun and seasonal. He recounts growing up watching Chiller Theater and “has always had a love for all things monster.” It was that special interest that inspired the idea for the Dark Art event. Merritt’s presentation provided a brief history of horror in mass media and the design elements of horror art. Students and faculty dissected examples of horror movie posters, rock band covers, games, books and various websites to discuss color, theme, layout and compensation. “I wanted to show that everything—even monster movies—needs to be designed by someone,” Merritt explained. He stressed to students that design is ubiquitous, joking that “even really bad things need really good design.” The audience learned that typography, color, pacing, angles, lighting, printing and sound all have to have someone behind the scenes to make it happen. Merritt says he hopes his event opened students’ eyes to the wide scope of career opportunities beyond the usual jobs people think of in the design industry. “There are multiple opportunities out there and there is a niche for everyone!” he said. Learn about other graphic design job opportunities you've never heard of!

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Distinguished Scholar and Junior Faculty Scholar awards announced

Miami University - Top Stories

Miami University Distinguished Scholar Awards for 2017 have been presented to David Berg, professor of biology; Jonathan Strauss, professor of French and Italian; and Janardin Subedi, professor of sociology and gerontology.
Distinguished Scholar Awards honor faculty whose sustained excellence in research or other creative activity has brought them prominence in their fields.
Miami University Junior Faculty Scholar Awards have been presented to Mahmud Khan, assistant professor of physics; Brian Meyers, assistant professor of music; and April Smith, assistant professor of psychology.
Spring campus (photo by Scott Kissell)
Junior Faculty Scholar Awards honor faculty who have demonstrated great potential in research or artistry and have achieved significant standing in their fields. Candidates for the Junior Faculty Scholar Award must have received their highest degree no more than eight years before the time of nomination.
The scholars, named by the committee on faculty research, each receive a $2,000 grant for the pursuit of further research. 
They were honored at the University Awards Reception April 10.
Read more about the three Distinguished Scholars on Campus News.
Applied and Natural Sciences:  David Berg.
Business, Education and Social Sciences:  Janardin Subedi.
Humanities and Creative Arts:  Jonathan Strauss.
Read more about the three Junior Faculty Scholars on Campus News.
Applied and Natural Sciences: Mahmud Khan.
Business, Education and Social Sciences: April Smith.
Humanities and Creative Arts: Brian Meyers.

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Student support program excels


Junior Dane Hansen can easily recall the mix of excitement and nervousness he felt when he first stepped foot on UNCG’s campus.
Not only was he new to UNCG, but he was new to the college environment. As the first in his family to attend a four-year university, the transition to life as a college student presented a unique set of challenges.
“I got here and I was overwhelmed with everything,” he said. “The course load was really challenging compared to what I was used to.”
Hansen and his family knew that he needed to find a support system on campus in order to be successful. The solution was UNCG’s Special Support Services (SSS), a federal TRIO grant program for first-generation students, as well as those who have a disability or come from modest-income backgrounds.
SSS offers individual tutoring, academic skills instruction and academic/career counseling to approximately 200 UNCG students each year. All services are offered free to students who are accepted into the program.
“During my first year, I logged more than 60 hours in the program,” Hansen said. “The sessions really helped me with time management.”
UNCG has a long tradition of supporting students through SSS. The federal program has been offered on campus for nearly half a century, and the results are impressive.
Last year, SSS students persisted, or returned for a second year, at a rate of 90 percent. Ninety-two percent of students were in good academic standing, and the six-year graduation rate for SSS students is 67 percent – approximately 7 points above the national average (according to 2014 data from the U.S. Dept. of Education).
But it’s not just the data that demonstrate the program’s success. It’s the countless stories from students like Marlina Avery.
As a graduate of an early college high school, Avery was used to a heavy workload. Even still, she ...

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It’s time to mobilize around a new approach to educational assessment

Latest From Brookings

As the scale of formal education has increased, so too has the scale of testing, to the point where it has become a giant business. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent on traditional testing of core skills such as numeracy and literacy, and just a few industry giants dominate the field. Annual testing expenditure in just some of the more populous US states, in fact, is far more than it is in the largest international testing programs combined (TIMSS/PIRLS and PISA).

That’s OK. This testing, focused as it is on core skills, is important. Failing to test such skills would have higher economic costs and significant detrimental effects because, at an aggregate or systems level (say, across countries or regions), such assessment data have an important role in setting sensible educational policy.

But there is also much room for improvement, because using traditional testing methods (for example, multiple-choice-format standardized tests) to measure the kinds of complex cognitive abilities that students will increasingly need in the work environments of the future is, in effect, like using a bathroom scale to measure cardiovascular health. We lose too much information when our measurement tools cannot capture complex data.

Solutions are available: there are increasingly more effective ways of assessing complex skills. Alternative testing methods, such as authentic assessments, can have substantial benefits through increased student engagement and learning as the environments where learning and assessment take place come into alignment.

However, the pace at which the approach to assessment is shifting is troublingly slow, even within the education sector. And why isn’t the economics sector more interested in the future direction of learning, and even less in the future of educational assessment? In 2015, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released a report proposing a new vision for education as an industry agenda. That is a step toward the right ...

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Illinois Tech Leads $11.8 Million Grant to Test System That Might Lead to Restored Vision for People Who Have Lost Their Sight

News – Illinois Tech Today

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded a grant totaling $11.8 million over five years to Illinois Institute of Technology to test a groundbreaking intra-cortical visual prosthesis (ICVP) system.
Under the NIH funding, Illinois Tech is preparing for an early feasibility clinical trial for five human volunteers, who will have the system surgically implanted at the University of Chicago. The outcome of this clinical trial will be the evaluation of the first intra-cortical visual prosthesis using novel implantable wireless stimulator devices.
Philip R. Troyk, associate dean of Armour College of Engineering and professor of biomedical engineering at Illinois Tech, is the principal investigator of the project. Illinois Tech leads on the project, which has been developed with six partner institutions.

The number of Americans with vision loss is rising rapidly. There is currently no cure for blindness, and an artificial vision system may be the best alternative form of treatment. Since many individuals affected by total blindness do not have intact retinas or optic nerves, but retain the visual cortex, the areas of the brain that allow us to see, an intra-cortical visual prosthesis may be the only possible advanced visual sensory aid from which they could benefit.
The ICVP system uses a collection of wireless simulator modules that each contains 16 microelectrodes and associated electronics. These modules bypass the eyes and optic nerves and directly stimulate the visual cortex. Each electrode can be commanded to inject stimulus currents into the cortex over a fully wireless magnetic link to produce visual perception within the brain.
The current ICVP team was started at Illinois Tech in 2000 and has had $6 million in prior funding from the NIH, the United States Army, and private donors. The project is a collaboration between Troyk and Frank J. Lane, associate chair of the Department of Psychology and associate professor of psychology at Lewis College of Human Sciences, ...

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COD Photography Program Hosts 'Exposed' Showcase May 2

News at College of DuPage

By Mike McKissackThe College of DuPage Photography program will host “Exposed,” its third annual photography
showcase, from 6 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, May 2, in Student Resource Center, Room 2000,
on the College’s Glen Ellyn campus, 425 Fawell Blvd.This event is free and open to the public.Students from the College’s Photography program, along with local high school students taking advanced photography classes, will
present work in fine art, commercial, studio, location, wedding, architecture, nature,
photojournalism, editorial, documentary, event coverage, conceptual, digital compositing
and alternative processes. This event was funded through a Carl D. Perkins grant.
Additional sponsors include Adobe, American Society of Media Photographers, Canon,
Helix Camera, Ilford, Lively!, Midwest Photo Exchange, PJ's Camera, PROCAM, Self-Employment
in the Arts and Sony.Entries are due by Friday, April 14, and awards will be presented for best college
and high school portfolios. In addition, high school students may register to have
their portfolios reviewed by COD faculty.Click here to view a video welcome to the event.For more information, click here or contact Professor of Photography Terry Vitacco at (630) 942-2329.

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From 17th-century Haggadah in a plain brown wrapper, a major collection grew

Brandeis University News

It arrived at Dr. Ierachmiel “Yerach” Daskal's home 40 years ago, wrapped in brown paper and secured with twine — a humble package bearing a 17th-century religious book that eventually would multiply into a prodigious collection.

The old tome was a Haggadah, the guide to the liturgy of the Passover Seder. Published in 1695, it had been found in Israel and sent by a bookseller to Daskal, who at first was less interested in the words inside than in the rare map of the Holy Land attached to the back. But as the physician leafed through the yellowed pages of Hebrew text, with their ancient illustrations of the Exodus story, the roots of an obsession took hold.
“When you open one that is 300 years old and you see the wine stains on the pages, and crumbs of matzoh, it comes to life,” said Daskal, of Elkins Park. “You want to know what is the history. Who was this family?”

A retired chairman of pathology and laboratory medicine at Albert Einstein Medical Center, the 77-year-old Daskal and his wife, Dalia, have since amassed nearly 800 prized Haggadot (the plural in Hebrew) from scores of countries, dating from 1583 to 1969, and discovered in such unlikely places as an outdoor market in Jerusalem, in a pile near a gutter. Some of the couple’s most historic Haggadot are on exhibit through May at Gratz College in Melrose Park.
“We fell in love with the text, and it’s been an amazing journey,” Dalia Daskal said after her husband gave a brief lecture on the collection last week at the college’s Tuttleman Library.
Haggadot serve as step-by-step guides to the Seder dinner, which marks the beginning of Passover. The eight-day festival, which starts Monday evening, commemorates the Israelites' flight from slavery — a story that is the centerpiece of the book, which contains prayers, commentaries, songs, and illustrations.

During ...

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Students Share Stories at Dear World

Headlines RSS Feed

Consolo was one of six students selected to share his story to an audience during Dear World Live on Nov. 29, an interactive event that gave students the opportunity to take portraits by writing messages on their skin that reflect their core beliefs.
Consolo, who is earning bachelor’s degrees in Commercial Space Operations and Human Factors, said he knew as early as elementary school that he wanted to become an astronaut someday and he worked hard in pursuit of that dream.  But right before his freshman year of high school, Consolo was in a car accident that left his single mother with a spinal cord disability and his sister injured. The money that his family set aside for college soon went to cover medical expenses.
Consolo worked several jobs during high school to help offset the medical bills. He continued to pursue his dream of working in the aerospace industry and was accepted to Embry-Riddle. Consolo recently completed an internship at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.
“When I got on stage it was amazing to see people’s reactions and how it resonated with them,” Consolo said. “It was very significant to be able to share my story and I felt passionate that I could influence someone else to know that they are not alone and can do anything they set their mind to.”

Dear World began in New Orleans as photographic love notes to the city and has grown into a traveling interactive event with portraits published in over 30 countries, including refugee camps in Jordan. During the two-day event at Embry Riddle, students had the opportunity to take part in a photo shoot that highlighted the identity of the Embry-Riddle campus. During the shoot, Consolo and six other students were chosen to share their stories on stage during an unveiling of nearly 200 student portraits. 
“By the end ...

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